"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one" |
All my music junkies, this one is for you. I've been giving a lot of thought to the power of music for some time now and I have come to the conclusion that, why yes, music is the pulse on my life. You can take a cue to how I'm feeling by my Spotify rotation for the day, week, or month. I pride myself on my knowledge of music. And I think I can make someone fall for me with my mixtapes. Don't try me!
I've also got really caught up on the phrase "I feel infinite", which I stole from the marvelous book and now movie
The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I went on a whimsical adventure with two friends to Atlanta a few weeks ago to see the 9:45 showing on a school night, and the night is now lodged in the top ten memories of college.
Speaking of the top ten list, I also got the splendid opportunity to visit my best friend in Atlanta to see the Script this past weekend. While the concert was top notch entertainment, and I died a little inside when I heard "For the First Time", I am more thankful for the time I got to spend with him singing to John Mayer on I-75 and having deep conversations at a greasy table at The Varsity and sleeping in the passenger seat next to him on the ride home.
All this to say, I have been having some pretty amazing days lately. I am realizing who to count among friends, and I am trying to wholeheartedly make a conscious effort to invest in those relationships right now. For too long I have been wrapped up so much in myself that I have forgotten the power of investing in another life. I have had some pretty great mentors here at Mercer, and I want to be that same amazing grace to someone else. I think that's when you can see God's love really in action.
I am on the up and up, and thank you for sticking by me.
So for this post, let's give credit where credit is due--to the music. So here is my playlist for you tonight. Hope you get some infinite experiences this week. Let's start living, people.
Augustana – I Still Ain't Over You Goodness be, I love some Augustana.
John Mayer – Slow Dancing In A Burning Room No way to get past a JM song on any playlist of mine.
Katy Perry – The One That Got Away - Acoustic You can feel her emotion like no other. So beautiful.
Shane & Shane – It Is Well One of the best hymns ever in my opinion.
Chris Tomlin – All My Fountains My wake-up song. Love this. So much truth to it too.
Miranda Lambert – Me and Your Cigarettes I just get this song.
Coldplay – Lost! "Just because you're losing, doesn't mean that you're lost" keep your chin up, kiddos.
Greg Laswell – Girls Just Want To Have Fun (Demo) Classic and classy.
Carrie Underwood – Good In Goodbye Feels appropriate.
Roy Orbison – You Got It A lot of people don't know this about me, but I want to walk down the aisle to an instrumental version of this song :)
Always yours,