I have come to realize a lot of things in the past year. One in particular I'd like to commit to writing. I have come to realize I will never, ever forget the day that someone very close to me came out. And I will never forget what it felt like to be so proud and to know someone so brave. I will never, ever stop championing for equal marriage rights. I hope to see the law changed in my lifetime, but until then I will continue to advocate. I will continue to believe that love is the
greatest emotional connection that God bestowed to man. I will try to remember that not everyone has the choice to show their love so publicly, and I will try to remind them that that does not mean they are wrong. I believe love is free and easy but at the same time the rarest and most sought after good you'll ever chase, the hardest light you'll ever try to hold, and the best adventure you can ever hope for.
I'll continue to believe that love is worth every heartache that may follow; I will know that true love is limitless because my Father's love is; I will devote my life to loving like He did and when I am tired of doing that, I pray that someone is there I love to remind me to keep going.
I hope you learn to love yourself first and second that you learn to love with an open heart. Be your own champion and then be someone else's.