Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Heavier Things

Aptly nodding to one of my favorite bad boys, John Mayer, I thought I'd call this post "Heavier Things". I think I have been covering in this blog plenty of "heavier things" lately, but I wanted to lay it all out on the line again. I've got a lot of heavy things on my mind lately, namely graduate school, the looming graduation date in 3 semesters that still calls for a good 50 odd hours to be completed (yeah, I don't see the math adding up either), how I am going to pay for all that; why I have so much (in terms of materialism) while others have so little, why my friends don't seem to understand why I feel guilty for my lifestyle, why I constantly am homesick for a place I was only in for 21 days, how salt and vinegar chips take me back to the inside of a rickshaw and the feeling of freedom; and why "In Your Atmosphere" and "Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall" can take me back in the blink of an eye to very vivid but sad memories. 

With all that swarming in my brunette brain, I'm certainly wondering what God has up His sleeve. In some ways I am very excited to see what all He has in store. God has certainly unfolded my life in ways unimaginable to me before. Coming to Mercer was unexpected. Getting a scholarship for Mercer on Mission was inconceivable a few years ago. Becoming a business major was an interesting wrench thrown in. All the people I have met along the way have added color and excitement and happiness and other times, tears and lessons to be learned and bitterness. I don't regret a single path I took, but I have come to the conclusion that I did very little of that on my own. Even in times when I was less focused on God than others, He was ultimately in control. I think God does a lot of setting things in motion when we least expect it. That is an awesome thing to trust your heart in. Where your heart wanders is where it wants to be most, and although my heart may have spent some time wandering to some "heavier things" lately, I think it is all for the glory of God's perfect plan for me. He is putting some hard questions in my life to see if I trust enough in him to just let the questions resound, without answer. What a strange thing--I mean, we often ask questions to find an answer. And it is true, we will get an answer--"seek and it will be found" (Matthew 7:7)--but maybe not on our timeline or in the way we wanted it. I love the way C.S. Lewis explains it in that:

"We shall draw nearer to God, not by trying to avoid the sufferings...but by accepting
them and offering them to Him; throwing away all defensive armor.
If our hearts need to be broken, and if He chooses this as the way in which
they should break, so be it."

I would love to imagine God draining me of myself and my sin and replacing me with an everlasting fullness and peace known as His love and mercy. I am eager to see how all this unfolds over the next year and in the coming years; it leaves a lot of room for growth that I am excited to see :)

Like a fine wine, this post goes well with John Mayer – Bigger Than My Body
Teeheehee. LYLAS readers.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Day I Became In Charge of My Own Happiness

"And given half the chance would I take any of it back?
It's a fine romance but it's left me so undone
It's always darkest before the dawn"

What is happiness? Where can we find it and when can we stop chasing it? I think the best answer I've ever heard comes from one of my all-time favorite bands, The Fray. "Happiness is like the old man told me/Look for it, but you’ll never find it all/But let it go, live your life and leave it/Then one day, wake up and she’ll be home" is the last stanza of this song--one that almost always brings me to tears. I have been struggling a lot lately to find the happy in a lot of my crappies lately, but I think that comes from me ignoring one of the most important lines of this song--"live your life and leave it". I think too often I, like a lot of people, but an emphasis on the wrong things in life. We chalk a bad day up to one poor conversation with one person or someone not meeting our expectations and we write off the good parts of our day. 

I pay far less attention to the good stuff going on right around me to even appreciate it sometimes. I've got far more going for me than going against me. And there is such hope in that feeling. It can be a pretty broken place to put your faith in that which gives no return. Instead let me remind myself, and you all, what I can put my faith in:

First and foremost, God. Proverbs 16:3 instructs us to "commit everything to the Lord" and that under His guidance everything will be alright. I've got to believe there is a lot of substance to that. The idea of commitment to me is a binding contract on both ends. I've got to put in the work, too. For "where your treasure is, there your heart is also" means I have to invest my time and energy into what really matters (Matthew 6:21). "Where you invest your love, you invest your life."

My family. God-sends. My mom is best friend, and if you are reading this-thank you. For everything.

My friends. They surely are the sunshine of my day. I know I can be a handful sometimes, but they always bring me back to reality. And sometimes they don't mind having wild dreams, too. They keep me grounded but also don't knock me for being a dreamer. And I can dig that.

My education. I'm learning to appreciate my level of education even more so now. I ended up paying my summer school's tuition this summer and that hefty bill taught me a lesson I'll never forget. I can't take for granted the unwarranted opportunities I have been given. I also met a little girl in India who read from the dictionary every day just to learn English. I want to be that little girl when I grow up. I want to make her proud.

Music. I can't do anything these days without it, and I am completely enamored by it.

The good in people. I firmly believe that every day may not be good, but there is still some good in every day. I may be a little less trusting of people or a little more fragile but that is what makes me human. And I am convinced that people are the missing pieces God sends us in search of.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Shot in the Dark

"I got a vision for the life that's right in front of me
I got a right, I got a reason, got a destiny
I know exactly where I'm headed and I'm never looking back
Well, nothing's holding me back" 

Tonight, as I should be studying for management, I find myself longing to write. I have not had much time lately to devote to my sweet craft, but tonight I just feel compelled to. Or maybe I'm avoiding studying haha. But in all honesty, I always feel much more full of life after I write. It is like my own artificial sunlight up here on the third floor of Jack Tarver. 

I have been struggling a lot with the idea of friendship lately, and I have found myself asserting my own independence in a lot of my relationships. I cannot really pinpoint where this desire to be alone is coming from, but frankly, it is not bothering me. In the past I think I have used people and places and events and things to fill my time when I did not want to feel anything, but I think now I realize that is both unhealthy and unrealistic. Emotions and feelings need processing and in their time. I no longer feel the need to keep myself busy so that I do not have to be myself to think. Strangely, I am learning  to enjoy time to myself. Introspective time like that is time for God, time for me, time for eating a box of goldfish, time for watching TV (considering that I have used it probably twice this year), time for studying (new, I know), time for time well wasted. I am reveling in that kind of time right now. And while I am keeping busy and still having a social life (don't be worried--check the FB photos haha), I am learning to take time for me. I think it is okay to be selfish sometimes. Especially with time...we only get so much of it, so if you find something that brings a smile to your face I say it cannot be that bad. Junior year is looking a lot like: you do you. And I like it. 
Your favorite gypsy :)


The title and opening lyrics are from a little diddy called "Shot in the Dark" by Augustana. Good, chill music. Check it.